Thursday, April 9, 2009

Think you know who your friends are? You might be surprised! It recently occurred to me to google some ppl from my past. "Friends" or acquaintances that have come and gone from my life. WOW was I surprised at the outcome. I put in the email address of a past acquaintance and found out what a lying piece of crap this person was/is.

Hmm then I went to this site You can look up the criminal record of ppl in my county. Holy geez! Had I only known my life would be very different.

Let me tell you, from now on when I meet someone new I will be going home and googling them asap! Paranoid? Possibly. But we aren't in Mayberry anymore people.


  1. That's too funny - I'm always searching the court dockets on people i work with. I'm a nosy nancy!

  2. LOL (and I actually am)! This is hilarious. I can imagine you getting into a really good convo with someone then stopping to ask for a persons last name and social security number, stealing away a moment to search then finishing the convo a certain way depending on your results. :P

  3. Aww crud they don't have my county!

  4. LoL, gotta do what you gotta do! Ppl are crazy these days!
