Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And then there is Monday

Yesterday I was expecting to have an ultrasound, see the doctors and probably hang out a bit more on the high risk unit. However, one of the MFM docs came in and said there was no reason for the ultrasound. There wasn't going to be any fluid and we didn't need to look and see that. Then he said the decision is mine on how to proceed. They could keep me in the hospital on bed rest and hooked up to the monitors 24/7 for 4 weeks, but he couldn't promise that even if the cord prolapsed that they could catch it. So that would be more or less pointless. Or I could go home...I am home now :)

Before leaving Indy I did insist on seeing the pediatric urologist and so glad I did. He completely agreed that the only way to save kidney function is to deliver now. Today or tomorrow he is going to look at my ultrasounds and talk with the MFM's. As long as Ian's kidneys are dilated (which they were in the last ultrasound) and the MFM's don't think it will put him at risk to take him early then we should have him here by the end of the week. James and I are very happy about this. We have been trying for days to convince everyone to save his kidneys, but no one was listening. Now we have someone on our side :)

Today I am suppose to go for an NST at my local OB's office. My mother in law is going to watch the kids and hopefully paint some. We are still working to finish the older 2 kids bedroom. It has another good week to go...

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