Good News, Can you believe it? I was floored when the Doctor called me this morning! He said Baby Ian's kidney functions came back good (they are very stingy with numbers up there, so I get word estimates.) At this point the Dr seems very optimistic. He said there will be life long health problems, but he expects a good outcome as long as we can get the shunts put in soon. So ultrasound with
AFI (Amniotic fluid index) check on Wednesday and hopefully I will have a
tentative date to go to Ohio.
Tomorrow I am meeting with a new pediatrician my nurse cousin
recommended. She thinks he will be able to keep good tabs on the boys issues. He currently has a child dialysis patient, so if it comes to that, then I feel like this
pedi is who we want to be with.
Here are the pictures from the ultrasound last Wednesday...He looks just like Dillinger!
LoL, St. Vincent also doesn't like to give me full body shots, so here is my representation of how Baby Ian's bladder looked before they drained it last week. A normal sized bladder should be 1/4 of that size.

Keep hoping and praying for more positive results this week :)
Oh that is great news. I know what you mean about them being stingy with info Don't you just hate that. So glad to hear his kidneys are still functioning that is a really good sign in how far you are along.