Hmm Saturday...cookout with the family. Hamburgers, sweet potato, and a vegi/parmesan packet. Again Yum! Unfortunately that will be the last of the cookouts for a while. Part of a tree fell down in the backyard and took out our grill, some bushes and a nice patio chair! Who wants a set of 5 patio chairs?? Grr.
I asked my friend to arrange a meeting between some of the "girls" from high school. So Sunday the family and I spent the day at one of their houses with 3 grown women, a very nice husband, and 2 adorable children. I can't believe how they are just like they were in high school, only so much more mature. Oh and the kids! Very few of my RL friends have children, so it is so nice to spend some time around ppl who understand :)
I have no idea what order these pics will come up in (darn blogspot uploading thing), but there is one of my daughter and Ashley's son. He is the cutie with hands over his with me holding Dillion in a sling (that I made!) Hmm another one with Lily in front of the group of us. Finally Hilary reading a book to the big kids. I would put up the Quelf pics, but I don't want to embarrass anyone to bad!

sounds like lots of fun.